
Delivering therapeutics reliably to the brain remains a central problem in the treatment of neurological disease, whether these be delivered systemically or directly. Computer modeling of delivery of therapies into brain, and by extension into other solid tissue, will make therapies more effective. New devices taking advantage of physiological understanding will make it simpler. New image processing to assess the physiological status of the brain, and the distribution of disease and drug integrated with devices and prediction into an image-guided system will make therapies safer. A new paradigm to manage neurological diseases can result from mapping the pathways of material and information transport in the brain in a subject-specific way.

Therataxis' research and development is focused on planning, executing, and monitoring the targeted delivery of therapies into the brain. Our core technologies center on the modeling and simulation of brain response to therapy. The current focus is to predict the distribution of agents in brain tissue, and to develop simulation-based delivery device designs. Our first efforts address brain parenchyma, but the methods can also apply to tissues such as liver, prostate, and breast.

Modeling, simulation and support technologies at Therataxis include: